My name is Maxi!! I'm a Murray Grey cross I'm Moose's mum!! I am so happy that I get to see my son grow up. A kind lady called Alice couldn't bare to see me sent to slaughter, so she ensured my safety. Little did she know, she saved by baby's life too. You see, the bull next door had snuck into my padddock and I was already pregnant when I was saved. What a beautiful surprise when Moose arrived about 8 months later.
I am quiet and gentle but am still the boss of Steph and Belle. I am inquisitive and will approach for a sniff and a lick if you put your hand out. I have a very beautiful and expressive face. I love apples and bananas. I tell the dogs off through the fence by shaking my head at them. My bestie is probably Oscar. Both of us have sadly lost our original besties, and we find comfort in our friendship.